Shorepower – Plug In and Save

Truck Idling Costs
Average Truck Idling Time per Day10 hours per day
Number of Days Idling per Month25 days per month
Gallons of Diesel Used per Hour1 gallon per hour
Fuel Cost per Gallon$3.25 per gallon
Total Cost per Month$628.00 per Month
Shorepower Costs
Hours of Shorepower Used per Day10 hours per day**
Days of Shorepower Usage per Month25 days per month
Shorepower Cost per Hour$1.00 per hour
Shorepower Connection & Cab Equipment Cost per Month$30.00***
Shorepower Cost per Month $280.00 per Month
Savings per Month Using Shorepower: $348.00

Every hour you use Shorepower instead of idling, you save over $2.00! This adds up to over $350 per month if you use Shorepower full time instead of idling.

You can start using Shorepower by simply purchasing a heavy-duty extension cord. Available here.

Order Shorepower now.

*Source: Tardiff LP.

** Assumes ~$1,000.00 equipment and installation amortized over 3 years.

***Assumes that Shorepower use eliminates ALL idling at rest.