Several media outlets picked up the story about Shorepower’s $2M grant award from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality including: The Street Phoenix Business Journal Yuma Sun
Several media outlets picked up the story about Shorepower’s $2M grant award from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality including: The Street Phoenix Business Journal Yuma Sun
An article that appeared in Transport Topics, the official publication of the American Trucking Association, features a discussion of Truck Stop Electrification and Shorepower’s services. Shorepower’s Director of Marketing, Alan Bates, is quoted: “There has to be a critical mass of availability to get fleets and owner operators interested. No one will be interested unless… Continue reading Transport Topics – March 2010
The Trucker recently featured an article about Shorepower’s national TSE deployment. The article quotes Alan Bates, Director of Marketing for Shorepower, Frank Bio, product manager for Volvo Trucks, Jim McNamara, Communications Manager for Volvo Trucks, Richard Shearing, Director of Daimler Product Planning, and Jerry Warmkessel, Mack Trucks Marketing Manager.
Today’s Trucking writes about the future of the trucking industry, as illuminated by presenters at the Future of Trucking Symposium in Winnipeg. The University of Manitoba Transport Institute hosted the event and brought together a number of speakers who provided a glimpse of what the future has in store for trucking. “Truckstop electrification could also… Continue reading Today’s Trucking – February 2010
Shorepower was discussed in an article titled “Shore power for trucks at truckstops far from dead.” Out at truckstops, other, simpler shore power solutions are being installed that may make valuable contributions to conserving fuel, reducing emissions and restoring nighttime quiet to both truckstops and the neighborhoods around them. Back in August, for example, the… Continue reading FleetOwner magazine – February 2010
Ben Vitale, president of The Climate Trust, wrote an article about climate change that appeared in Sustainable Business Oregon. “Shorepower Technologies installed electric pedestals at six truck stops in Oregon and Washington that allow truckers to power their appliances and heat and cool their cabs using grid electricity instead of idling their diesel engines. The… Continue reading Sustainable Business Oregon – January 2010
A cover story article in Driver’s Digest features the Shorepower TSE installation at Big Boys Truck Stop in Kenly, NC.
Carolina Newswire issued a release about the Clean Transportation Education Project (CTEP), a coordinated program that will conduct 48 workshops across the nation for Clean Cities Coalitions, teaching about biodiesel, ethanol, natural gas and propane, and fuel economy and idle reduction. The workshops will start in the spring of 2010 and continue through September 2011.… Continue reading Carolina Newswire – December 2009
The Herald (North Carolina) reports on the grand opening of Shorepower at Big Boys Truck Stop – the third truck stop in the state to offer an overnight plug-in option. “The family-owned truck stop, which has more than 200 parking spaces, now has 24 outlets for truckers and charges $1 per hour for their use.… Continue reading The Herald (North Carolina) – November 2009
John Murawski at the Charlotte Observer writes about the new Shorepower installation at Big Boy’s Truck Stop in Kenly, NC. “We have to move toward what the future trends might be,” Powell said. “This is the beginning of trying to build a corridor” of electrification stations.”