Don’t be an idler! Learn how to avoid unnecessary idling that adds toxic exhaust into the air
Don’t be an idler! Learn how to avoid unnecessary idling that adds toxic exhaust into the air
“When children walk into their school building, they may pass through some of the dirtiest air on their travel from home to class. “A recently published study by a researcher at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and three other community organizations not only proves this is the case, it also points the way to reduce… Continue reading Not surprising – idling is unhealthy!
“Watch out idlers — they’re coming for you! “Anti-idling laws on the federal, state, and local level are rapidly growing across the US in an effort to cut back on the billions of gallons of fuel that are wasted each year by idling vehicles. “While it is difficult to patrol these idlers, especially on a… Continue reading Massachusetts School Bus Company Fined for Excessive Idling
Shorepower can help by providing electric alternatives. “A bill in the Senate Transportation Committee would impose a statewide rule on idling. “…the bill would limit affected vehicles to idling for no more than five minutes per hour. SB23 includes a provision that covers idling while trucks wait to load or unload. Owners of locations served… Continue reading Michigan considering stricter truck idling laws.
According to a write up in Land Line Magazine, the U.S. DOE is making progress in it’s fight to reduce truck idling… “A new Tennessee law increases the incentive to get truck drivers to stop idling. Lawmakers in Missouri and New Hampshire are also pursuing the incentive. “States were given the ability in 2005 to… Continue reading Tennessee Approves Anti-Idling Incentive
Land Line Magazine details the latest updates in State Anti-Idling legislation. “States were given the ability in 2005 to allow heavy-duty trucks to exceed the 80,000-pound maximum weight limit to encourage the use of idling-reduction equipment. “In recent years many states have adopted rules at their statehouses to increase the weight limits for trucks equipped… Continue reading States pursue anti-idling incentives…Shorepower-capable equipment can get a weight exemption.