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Trucking Efficiency workshop to cover efficiency technologies

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Trucking Efficiency is holding a workshop Sept. 15, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Hendrick Motorsports in Charlotte, N.C. The upcoming workshop will highlight tires, 6×2 axles, idle reduction, engine parameters, transmissions, lightweighting and downspeeding.

“If implemented, currently available trucking technologies could earn fuel savings of as much as $13,000 per truck with a payback time of less than 24 months,” Mike Roeth, Operations Lead, Trucking Efficiency. “Innovative fleets are saving money now through the adoption of these technologies and improving practices focused on efficiency.”

“During the workshop, industry leaders will share their insights on some of the best efficiency technologies, as well as real-world examples of money saved by fleets. The day will start with tours of the Hendrick Motorsports garages and will be followed by leaders sharing their experiences in lowering their fuel expenses.

“Then, after providing an overview of each technology, attendees will break into small workshops to openly debate the benefits and challenges of adopting them.

“Together, we will brainstorm actions to harness these benefits and limit any challenges,” Trucking Efficiency said.

“The workshop will be complemented by exhibits of available technologies with manufacturers on-hand for any questions.”

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